There are a few items/accessories/thingies for RVs that often take a back seat when purchasing an RV. People get all excited about wallpaper but disregard things they may need/use daily. These accessories are cheap-to-expensive, wonderful, great timesavers, super convenient, and worth the money. I do not sell this stuff but use most of it. If you disagree with my list, make up your own list. I never intended to post everything you may need but just wanted to suggest a few good things that can help.
With all products, there are gadgets and gizmos that seem to always work well in the hands of the seller. You will find lots of useless stuff for sale at RV gatherings. Remember your Latin… Caveat Emptor: “Let the Buyer Beware.”
If I recommend an item, it is because I have used it (typically, numerous times), trust it, know how to use/operate it, and it does what it is supposed to do. I will also recommend items used by my trusted friends. I do not work for nor own any of these companies in my list. My recommendation does not imply, in any way, that similar products are bad or worse. I don’t (or rarely) do comparisons. I am not the “Consumer Reports” for the RV world.