All the Stuff You Need to Know About RVing
by Ron Jones and Rob Lowe
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More Good Stuff! Just updated! The 2nd Edition has several hundred ideas, hints, and suggestions for using your RV more efficiently—driving, packing, dumping, living, maintaining, boondocking, accessories, and tons of general information. A must have for new RVers. For experienced RVers, a real wealth of new information. There no cost to incorporate most of the tips and no gadgets to buy.
This is absolutely, without question, the best “How to RV” that is available to RVers! It’s current, well written, to the point, easy to read and understand, full of photos. Hey, “You don’t know what you don’t know!”
All the basics of RVing are covered including…
- how to drive an RV
- how to pack for a trip
- how to live efficiently and comfortably in an RV
- how to hook up
- how to unhook
- how to live in an RV with only onboard power
- how to dump
- how to maintain a rig
- how to operate all the systems.
- how to boondock (dry camping)
Most of the content applies to all RVs but there is specific information about different types of rigs. Motorhomers will appreciate the advice about towing a car behind their rig including information about tow dollies. 5th wheel and trailer owners will appreciate the tips and tricks about towing a rig and supplemental braking systems. Also covered…
- how to winterize an RV
- where to park or store it
- tips about maintenance
- how to hookup in a campsite
- solar options
- power and energy conservation
- even advice about crossing international borders.
There is more valuable information in this book than we have ever seen in one place before. Every new RVer should read this and veterans will learn a lot. (©2011) Regular Price: $27.95. Website Special: $24.95 plus s/h