Ron and Sandy Jones are fulltime RVers and travel extensively throughout the USA and Canada. Ron is a prolific author, has written feature articles for every major RV magazine including Motorhome, Highways, Escapees, and Family Motor Coaching magazines, was a columnist for Coast to Coast RV magazine, plus nine RV books.
He was lead author with Rob Lowe for… “All the Stuff You Need to Know About RVing”—one of the best-selling RV books. Ron was a collaborator with Sandy (wife) on “Wrinkle-Free RV Laundry” (his words, her ideas). Ron also wrote “Fulltiming for New and Used RVers,” ”Becoming a Fulltime RVer—A New Lifestyle,” “RVing to Alaska,” “RVing to Alaska On Your Own,” “RVing to Alaska by Ferry,” “RVing to Newfoundland,” and “The Best RV Trips in North America.” He was a columnist for Coast to Coast RV Magazine and Ron wrote many of the RV Tips for the Good Sam Club website and provided a monthly article for their CyberSam newsletter.
Ron has presented RV seminars nationwide at every major venue including many at various FMCA International Rallies, several times at “The Rally” (Good Sam sponsored), the Pomona RV Show, Tampa SuperShow, and Hershey RV Show. Plus, he presented seminars at Lazydays (Florida) to both the general public and sales staff. He has also presented seminars for potential RV buyers at RV shows in many states and has been a permanent fixture at the Atlanta RV show for the last 12 years.
Ron “stopped sleeping on the ground” and has been camping on wheels since 1962—starting in a tent-trailer shown here. He and Sandy have been fulltime RVing for 14 years now.
In his previous life, Ron did seminars internationally for industry, education, and the general public. He is retired military (Army), a retired Professor of Engineering Technology at the University of North Texas, and a retired Publisher.
Sandy Jones is a retired physics/chemistry/math teacher with 31 years in the public school system. A longtime RVer and current fulltimer, Sandy constantly did battle with the combo washer/dryer commonly found in RVs. After 2+ years of experimentation, she developed a process of obtaining wrinkle-free results with significantly large, family-sized loads in that machine. She has presented this information to thousands of RVers nationwide and wrote the popular book, “Wrinkle-Free RV Laundry” now available.
Contact Info:
Ronald E. Jones
Phone: 940-368-0068
For anyone wishing to contact me, please e-mail me at…